My degree life.
10/25/2017 11:30:00 PM
Here's my first writing after i stepped my life through this phase. Information System Management, IS (Hons.) . What a great name huh :)
My class is D1IM2453A. Only consist of 28. Only one class. Balanced, boys and girls.
First things come difficult. I hope that i can handle all these. I need to take 9 subjects for this semester. Quite tough and real tough btw. But i need to face it by hook or by crook.
Challenges. I need to bear this. I need to achieve my goals.
To strengthen my desires, i need to think about family, and myself. And ofcourse, thinking about the rewards after trying so hard, will be paid off. Just wait and wait. Insha Allah lilla hita'ala. May Allah ease everything.