Assalamualaikum . Like past years . After 16, it'll be 18 , that is my birthday . Alhamdulillah same goes for this year . 2014 . Praise to Allah , Alhamdulillah i still can celebrate n continue my 19th years of birth . Big thanks to my fellow friends who wished me last night . Especially sumayyah , syerah , mama , yaya n...
Assalamualaikum . Alhmdulillah . At last , at last , at last . Banked in !! Just another 3weeks insyaAllah for the pinky army to be home . After my birthday . Haa . So sweet . No lah atleast i got something from myself for my birthday . Hehe. Waiting for another people agak susah la kn. But for sure every year ade je...
Assalamualaikum . Alhamdulillah . Heeelo ! ihik ! *owoh gedik nye!* Well, arie nie dah 26January . Mareng 25 kan ? Alhamdulillah akhirnya dapat jugak lepas rindu kat budak2 tu :') seriously i'm totally happy to see them . Eventhough arie tu dah jumpe Maya, Chek and Sa, tapi rindu kt diorg tu xpenah nak berkurang . Huhu . Biaselah kan . Bukan...
Assalamualaikum ~~ Hello wello hehhooo!! *melompat ting ting ting* Haha . Happening pelik je kan ? Biasalah . ehem2 . Birthday dye kan . Hehe . Alhamdulillah hirobbila'laminn . Already 18 . Waw ! Cam xcaye jer . Perangai still cam budak2 , kan ? Hmm . Papepom , thanx to Allah s.w.t for this beautiful nikmat . Alhamdulillah skali lagi . Birthday...