Charges .
11/29/2013 12:40:00 AM
Transformation from positive to negative . Like a charge.
I'm very very shy person before . Since i'm a kid till now . But the shyness lower a bit . Hehe
Dulu orang suruh apa2 pun sume ikut. Tak pikir dri sendiri langsung. Bagus btol . Sopan ad la sket . Pndai cover .
Hypocript .
Dlu xpernah nk marah orang . Senyum je memanjang . Org susah nk tgok aku marah2 . Tp skarang sume dh terbalik . Haha .
Heartbroken .
One of the reason .
Pendendam ? Hm hm . InsyaAllah aku akn ubah . Biase ler tu org xmatured nie .